Health Tips

Ayurveda as Home Remedies (Health Tips)

  • Constipation: Copper pot, fill it with drinking water, keep it overnight (room temperature), next morning warm up the water and drink it first in the morning.
  • Gas – Abdominal: Drink Ginger juice 1 ml to 2 ml with warm water. And / Or Drink Club Soda with some salt & Black pepper powder.
  • Common Cold:  Ginger powder, Ghee (Clarified Butter) & Jaggery (Brown Sugar) mix them together in same quantity and have it first thing in the morning.
  • Indigestion: Ginger powder, Ghee (Clarified Butter) & Jaggery (Brown Sugar) mix them together in same quantity and make small balls size of small marbles and have it after each meal.
  • Poor – Metabolism: Ginger powder, Ghee (Clarified Butter) & Jaggery (Brown Sugar) mix them together in same quantity and make small balls size of small marbles have it after each meal.
  • Cough: Apply Vicks Vaporub (or similar products) on the chest & gently massage clockwise. Also take a 1 glass of milk, add 1 tsp. of Turmeric powder, warm it up, and drink it. You can repeat it several times of day if you wish or according to the condition of person.
  • Vomiting: ½ gram of ground cardamom, mix with 1 tsp. Honey and have it slowly. And / Or Drink Club Soda with some salt and black pepper powder added.
  • Worms: First thing in the morning, Eat 1 small piece of Jaggery (Brown sugar) then wait for 5 minutes and eat 1 tsp. of Caraway Seeds or Caraway powder.
  • Acidity: Drink 1 glass of milk with 1 tsp. of Ghee (clarified butter)
  • Colic Pain (Stomach Pain): Take a ½ gram of Asafetida (Hing Powder / Indian Spice), then mix it with little water make a paste of it and fill up your Belly button (umbilicus), lie down for 15-30 minutes and you will release some gas for few times, after that you will be fine.
  • Fat Remover / Weight Loss: Boil 1 glass of water, cool it down then add 1 tsp. of Honey and drink it. Do this every morning. Ortake 5 – 10 gms. of Triphala Powder boil it with 1 ½  glass of water for 5 – 10 minutes, then cool it down little as the temperature you can handle to drink, drink it everyday.
  • Paralysis: Black pepper powder mix it with Sesame seed oil, warm it up & massage on effected areas regularly.
  • Debility (weakness): Take a 1 glass of Milk, add 1 tsp. of Ghee (clarified butter), add little bit of Ginger powder, warm it up and drink it regularly. And / Or Eat Chick peas, split chick peas, roasted chick peas. And / Or Eat 5 Dates with Ghee (clarified butter), everyday in the morning.
  • Eye Problems: 1 tsp of Triphala powder, soak it whole night in the one glass of water, next morning filter it with cheese cloth and wash your eyes with it several time a day. Do it regularly, it makes big difference.
  • Ear Problems: If you have whistling sound eat Pecan nuts (walnuts), And / Or Sesame seed oil or Ghee (clarified butter) warm it up on low temperature and pour 2-3 drops into ears regularly.
  • Tooth/Gums Problems: Sesame seeds oil or Clove oil, massage gently with your fingers on teeth & gums every morning. Always use soft brush, don’t brush your teeth more then one time, but if you will like to then use your finger then brush. There is some great Ayurvedic toothpowder/toothpaste available at Ayurved Centre, 416-778-9341        
  • Sleeplessness / Insomnia: Massage Ghee (Clarified Butter) or Castor oil on the feet before going to the bed daily for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Mental Disorders: Massage Sesame seed oil / Ghee (Clarified Butter) gently on the forehead, scalp regularly any time of the day or do it at night, next morning do shampoo. And / Or  Soak 2-5 almonds over night in the water, next morning, remove skin of almonds and have it.
  • Piles: Take cotton and soak it with castor oil and apply and placed on effected areas and keep it for while.
  • Bed Wetting: Do massage with Ghee (clarified Butter) on the abdomen (clockwise) for 5 to 10 minutes, before going to the bed on regular basis. And / Or  Chew Black Sesame seeds (5 gms), before going to the bed And / Or  Coriander powder with Sugar (10 gms. Each), mix it together & have it 2-3 times a day in summertime only.
  • Night Discharge: Small towel soak it with the cool water and placed on the abdomen & then go to the bed. And / Or  First thing in the morning, swallow 3 pieces of Black Pepper, then eat 2 tsp of Ghee (Clarified Butter) regularly.
  • Sexual Weakness: 1 or 2 tsp. of Ashwagandha Powder (Indian Ginseng), 1 tsp. of Ghee (Clarified Butter), 1 cup of milk & sugar for your taste, boil it for 5-10 minutes then drink it with temperature you can handle as hot or warm. Do it regularly in the morning or once a day. Also eat 1 tsp. Chyavanprash twice a day, regularly.And / Or Eat Urid Dal (lentils) in your food. Also have warm milk and butter in your meals. If you have less Sperm Counts then fry 5 to 10 gms. Onions into the Ghee (clarified Butter), twice a day.
  • Skin problems / Prickles / Eczema / Acne / Pimples: Gently massage affected areas with Ghee regularly then after 2-3 hours take a shower or sleep over with it at night. Take a shower only with Sandalwood soap or Neem Soap only. And / Or   make a paste with Milk, Sandalwood powder & Rose water and apply on effected areas, when its dry take a shower  with warm water not a hot water and again only use above mentioned soaps.
  • Hair Loss: Regularly do massage on the crown area of the head with Ayurvedic Medicated oil and use Ayurvedic Shampoos (but when you do massage always use your palm not a fingers because your nails will cut your hair more).
  • Eye problems: Massaging Castor oil on your feet regularly not only improves your vision but may be help you reduce numbers on the glasses.
  • Low Blood Pressure: First thing in the morning, 3 pieces of Whole Black Pepper swallow it regularly.
Note: please consult your family doctor during sickness. This is just a guideline to help you reduce sickness but definitely above information is not a CURE.



You might want to print it out as the list is quite long.I have put them into alphabetical order, but the most important ones have a * beside them


This famous homeopathic remedy has been used for hundreds of years, especially in mountainous regions of the world. We use it now for all kinds of cases of injury. Take a dose of Arnica as soon as you can after any accident has happened. It may seem strange to take a remedy internally for a cut or a bruise but this little flower remedy has collosal power to help with a process called extravasation - that's the breaking of tissue under the skin. Bruises heal more easily, often not getting as bad as they would have,AND ALSO.. it calms the mind and spirit if a person has had a mental or emotional shock and feel bruised or injured as though they had got a physical injury. I have seen wonderful effects after the shock of grief or the loss of a job.. Arnica doesn't take the hurt away but it does bring a calmness which helps such a lot.
There is an Arnica cream available in most good health food shops. It's good to use on the skin where there is bruising - but NEVER APPLY IT TO the skin if it is broken at all. It will aggravate the wound.


Another of those wonderful homeopathic remedies that have a physical and a mental emotion aspect. We use it for any complaint that comes on after exposure to cold , dry conditions. So this could be a cough or a cold, sore throat, fever or chill. Symptoms come on suddenly and unexpectedly and will be accompanied by some anxiety or fear. Aconite will calm this anxiety and get to work on the fever or inflammation process that has started.If you can manage to take a dose or two in the first few hours following the onset of the symptoms, you will usually find that the cold or flu just fades away as the body successfully combats the bacteria or virus.


This is the homeopathic bee sting remedy. It can be taken after a bee or wasp sting, when you have that hot swelling stinging with sharp pains, and the area feels a bit better with cold water or ice. But it could also be a heat rash where the skin is swollen and red, or when your ankles swell up on a long flight. Apis is a diuretic - it encourages your body to release water, so whenever you are a bit swollen or puffy - give a dose of Apis a try. 


We call this the " I am worried that...." homeopathic remedy. You anticipate that something bad will happen and are worried or anxious about it. This could be before a flight, or a sea voyage or an examination or a first date. This fear or anxiety is causing you to have some loose bowel feelings, perhaps palpitations and a sick kind of feeling. Give Arg Nit a try, its brilliant at calming the nervous system.


I know this sounds like a poison, but because its been put through the incredible dilution and shaking process at the homeopathic pharmacy, there is nothing toxic left in it. Its just a great remedy for all kinds of symptoms like food poisoning with an upset stomach, diarrhoea and vomiting. There can be burning pains which are soothed by a hot water bottle. Mentally too this can be helpful for symptoms like fear of being left alone ( in panic attacks). Worse time is late evening, eg. 11pm to 1am - 2am. Can't sleep. 


The beautiful lady with the dark dark eyes.. this is the belladonna that women used to use to make their eyes so mysterious and attractive. We know this homeopathic remedy for its feverishness, heat and congestion so its wonderful for sunstroke, or inflammation, even headaches which are throbbing and worse for light, noise, jarring. In children with an ear infection, for example, you'd see a red flushed face, no thirst, general unwellness and a temperature that won't go down. 


A plant in the 'hops' family that grows high like a vine. Its very dry, likes dry soil.. and so Bryonia itself is a dry remedy. The cough is dry and hard, the fever is dry, the person is thirsty for large quantities of wate.. gulps it down.. and the mind too can be dry which comes over as irritable and grumpy. It's a great homeopathic remedy for sprains where the least little movement hurts a lot, and inflammation that hurts with movement.Pains are stitching and sharp.


The gentle marigold has such healing powers! We use Calendula as an antiseptic, for healing skin and for internal healing too. For accidents where the flesh is torn use the lotion for all cuts , grazes, bruises, and the cream on the skin wound. Calendula promotes regranulation of the skin tissue so you will find that if you use it, scarring will be reduced and wounds heal up quickly and cleanly. It is also useful for all infections and inflammations where puss is being produced. Give give one dose of the number 30 each day. 


For burns and scalds, given until the pain goes. Also, a great homeopathic remedy for cystitis (or UTI) - check out the link for more choices.


This is a great homeopathic remedy for seniors particularly, and I do consider it a first aid remedy. If you are a little overweight, have some gas and indigestion - Whenever you feel out of breath and need to fan yourself.. this is a great reviver! Just a couple of doses and you will be back work. Even after an accident such as near drowning or electric shock.. when the person seem nearly dead.. Carbo Veg has been known to revive them! 


A must if you have a young baby.. this remedy is useful when the person is very sensitive to pain, and gets irritable and hot.You know toddlers who have temper tantrums? A dose or two of Chamomilla will calm them right down. Pop some drops into a bottle of water and carry it with you.


Oh so helpful after an illness which involves loss of fluids, like diarrhoea or vomiting. You feel weak and tired and thirsty.Put yourself onto a course of China, get plenty of sleep and good food and after just a few short days you will be feeling heaps better.


This a flu remedy. Now lets hope you never get a nasty flu, but if you do - you'll be glad you had this to hand because when we feel THAT ill.. we really can't be bothered with finding remedies, let alone ordering them. See my link to flu for more details. 


Another useful cold and flu remedy. Heavy feeling, headache, muscles ache.. eyes want to be closed! Check out the flu links.


The homeopathic remedy anaesthetic! Its for injuries to parts rich in nerves, such as fingers, toes, spine especially coccyx. All these places are very painful when wounded , aren't they! Hypericum removes local pain. Buy a hypericum and Calendula tincture and use a few drops in water for cleaning wounds. Hypericum itself, as a remedy in pills, taken in the mouth reduces the levels of pain felt when we are burnt or have hur one of those oh so tender places.


For emotional strain and mental stress, after grief, worry, shock or disappointments in life. We find we are sighing a lot, feel moody and sad. Ignatia helps. 


Feeling sick? That awful nausea that comes with food poisoning, travel sickness or in early pregnancy - Ipecac works wonders.


A must for any homeopathic remedy kit in a household with children or/and a do-it-yourself husband. Wounds from nail, bits and stings.. where the skin has been 'punctured' , Ledum aids the healing process and can stop any infection from developing.


Colic and period pains.. feel a bit better if you press something warm to the stomach/abdomen area. (Go from homeopathic remedies to pre menstrual cramps) 


A must for every household.. feeling hung-over after a heavy meal or too much alcohol.. Nux is ideal to help to clear your head. And a big glass of water of course.!Or feeling irritable or just downright angry and stressed, take some nux before sleep and wake with renewed vigor and calm. Its a homeopathic remedy par excellance.. reliable and flexible.. helpful in all kinds of angry or abuse situations too. Ask me for more details.


One of those wonderful sore throat, cold remedies. Ideal for people who burn the candle at both ends and find themselves exhausted, or having lost their voice.


Generally we think of Puls as a children's remedy but it can be for adults too. It has earaches and weepiness. You want to be out in the fresh air and feel stuffed up inside , in a warm atmosphere - you can't breathe!! Worse from eating rich foods. 


Aches and pains and strains. Busy in the garden all day and feeling stiff and sore? If it hurts when you first stand up but gets easier as you move.. then Rhus Tox is your homeopathic remedy. Have a warm bath and take some before bed. Continue for a day or two and the sprains will melt away. 


Sitting too long at the computer can cause eyestrain. Ruta is a good helper, relaxing tired eyes. Or have you hurt your shins, where the muscle is thin and the bone feels hurt - its the connective or ligament tissue that has been injured. Ruta is the one to get blood circulating back through the area and speeds up healing.


This combination Bach Flower remedy is useful for any situation where a 'rescue' would be welcome, such as loss, shock or fright. 

Every home needs some sulphur, it brings a little fire and energy to worn out systems. For example, you have had a cold for a long time, and just can't seem to throw off those last little symptoms, the dry cough or tiredness. Sulphur fires up your immunity and gives it a boost, sufficient to take you back into your optimum health.

Its also used for skin rashes but i would prefer that you contact me directly if you plan to use sulphur for this purpose.Homeopathic remedies can sometimes make things worse before they start to get better, and you don't want to do that without some expert guidance.

Now this one does act like magic sometimes. If you have a splinter in your finger.. wood or glass.. take a dose of silica and an hour or two later you may see the splinter just easing to the surface, ready to come out. I have witnessed this phenomena so many times! Its great for boils and abscesses.. anywhere there is pus. If you have an injury that seems to be slow to heal - have a dose or two of silica and the process will be completed.

Now, this is a basic list with some general indications. Go to the suppliers page now and choose one that is nearest to you.
( Source:


Pain relievers

Aspirin (eg Aspro clear), paracetamol (eg Panadol, Calpol) or ibuprofen (eg Nurofen, Calprofen) can be bought over the counter. They come in different forms including soluble tablets, ordinary tablets, liquids or suppositories, and can relieve most minor aches and pains, such as headaches, muscle pain, toothache and period pain. Children require lower doses and products specific for children should be kept in your first-aid kit if you have children. Aspirin should not be given to children under 16 years of age, unless on the advice of a doctor.


A first-aid kit should contain a thermometer to measure body temperature. An oral digital thermometer is probably the best choice. Digital thermometers used in the ear are more accurate but also more expensive.
Fever can be relieved with paracetamol or ibuprofen.
Fever is most commonly caused by viruses that cannot be treated with antibiotics. Even though antibiotics can be bought in some countries without a prescription, they should be avoided. If antibiotics are necessary, a GP should be consulted. A doctor will be able to prescribe the appropriate antibiotics or other medication. 

Sore throats and coughs

These are common ailments, so it might be a good idea to keep medicines in your first aid kit to deal with these, for example sore throat lozenges and a cough mixture. Cough mixtures containing certain ingredients are no longer recommended for children under six years of age, so it is best to get advice from your pharmacist on a suitable product to keep in your first-aid kit if you have children. 

Diarrhoea, constipation or indigestion

It is a good idea to be prepared for diarrhoea. Medication to treat it is available both on prescription or over the counter at your local pharmacy. Loperamide (eg Imodium) is an appropriate medicine to keep in a first-aid kit, though it is not suitable for young children.
If diarrhoea or vomiting occur you will need to make sure the patient gets enough liquid. This is especially important where children are concerned. 
Cola drinks are particularly helpful since they replace essential salt and sugar as well as provide a source of liquid, but a first-aid kit should also contain a rehydration medicine (a powder or large tablet that is dissolved in clean water, for example Dioralyte) to prevent dehydration. 
Many people get constipation when travelling. A mild laxative, available from a pharmacy, usually relieves most symptoms. 
For people who suffer from indigestion or heartburn, for example when eating spicy food, it is a good idea to keep a supply of antacid medicine in the first-aid kit. 

Motion sickness

Medication to prevent motion sickness caused by car, air or sea travel can be bought over the counter without prescription. If necessary, this should be taken before starting a journey. 


A sunblock to be applied prior to exposure to the sun should always be included in a first-aid kit, along with cream and lotion for use after sunbathing. The pharmacist should be consulted as to the appropriate screening (SPF-sun protection factor) level. 

Insect bites

Antihistamines and soothing lotions such as calamine are effective at controlling the itching of insect bites or stings. 
It might be a good idea to take an insect repellant if you are going somewhere where you know there may be biting insects like midges or mosquitos.

Cuts and grazes

The following items are all useful for treating minor cuts and grazes. 
  • Sterile saline or alcohol-free wipes to clean wounds.
  • Cotton gauze or gauze swabs for cleaning/drying/covering wounds.
  • Fabric or waterproof plasters.
  • Sterile dressings that won't stick to weeping wounds, eg Melolin.
  • Permeable adhesive tape, eg Micropore, for holding dressings in place.
  • Gauze bandages.
  • Crepe bandages for holding dressings in place or supporting sprains and strains.
  • Antiseptic cream or lotion.

Other useful equipment to have in a first aid kit

  • Disposable gloves.
  • Tweezers - for removing foreign objects such as splinters or bee stings.
  • Scissors - for cutting tape or bandages.
  • Safety pins for securing bandages and pinning slings.
  • Cotton buds - for cleaning small wounds or removing obvious foreign objects.
  • Sterile saline for washing eyes.
  • Sterile eye pads - as a temporary dressing and cover for injured eyes.
  • Cling film - for applying over serious burns to keep air out. This helps relieve pain and prevents infection. As it won't stick to the burn, it can also be easily removed later by medical staff treating the burn.
  • Triangular bandages - for use as a sling for an injured arm or shoulder, or as a scalp bandage.

    note: Please consult your family doctor and make use of these tips